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Forward Curve

Forward Curve is a quantitative tool that can help portfolio managers view hypothetical scenarios based on current market conditions. By using today’s market rates, our Forward Curve mathematically interpolates where break-even rates would be six-months and one-year from now based on the shape of the current curve. The Forward Curve does not predict future rates, but can be useful in helping an investor draw his or her own conclusions about future rates. 

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Disclaimer: The products are not insured by the FDIC/NCUSIF or any federal government agency; not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by, the depository institution; subject to investment risks, including loss of the principal amount invested.

Cetera Advisor Networks LLC or its affiliates or divisions are not banks / credit unions, and the products offered are not federally guaranteed or FDIC / NCUSIF insured, are not deposits or obligations of, nor guaranteed by a financial institution. Such investments will fluctuate in value and involve investment risks, including possible loss of principal.

Monthly Market Monitor

The Monthly Market Monitor is a webinar geared toward credit union investment managers. It will provide up-to-date economic highlights, yield curve analysis, investment product recommendations, and outlook. The Monthly Market Monitor is held monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. CT. No registration is required. Join us for the next Monthly Market Monitor.

Monthly Market Monitor

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